The world is unpredictable, importantly that is the most splendid characteristics that prevails and will prevail.  An occurrence takes place without warning and one can’t judge or predict its repercussion. In the journey of life we don’t know whom we are going come across the next movement. Subsequently, deep within we judge that great things takes time to ensue, which is basic spirit of friendship.  Further true friendship amplify superior thing in life and the magic takes place spontaneously. True friends make doable to generate happiness and feeling secured, manifesting the bond that transcend all obstacle in  life.

One can experience the brim of friendship at teen and bonding with right ones at apt age especially in teen. In the counting after twelve the teen starts (13teen, 14teen……….. till 19teen) and in twenties your considered to be adult and expect to be wise enough to judge good and awful.

Everyone has a strong inner craving to be known and to discern others. It is an appetite that is never contented, yet the pursuit is worthwhile. Whom you choose to be friends during school days, can transform your life perpetually.

 As youngsters they are inexperience in life to make wise choice to decide friends in school. Parents must guide their children at young age to choose a friend who inspires them with positivity, creativity, making good grades and abreast to work towards defined goals. An average of four to five friends spend the most time during the school days and subsequently choosing the wrong friends tend to distract and divert young minds  and they realise the repercussion later in life.

Fortunately in our teen, the blessed ones meet some extraordinary friends, who are better than them in all conduct and they inspired to give best in everything. Friends can really change your life for better or for worse! Be vigilant. “A friend cherishes one another and be kind to achieve unseen dreams, by walking in, when others walk out”.

The most impeccable thing in life is the way you treat people and what they turn out to be. Friends are not made through smartphone or social media or politics or skills or reunion or job or violence or finance or business or comparing or leaders, but from heart.

One doesn’t need to always call out how much you love someone, because love is not always orally uttered, as love is radiated and felt. Love is the care and the reactions, the smallest of  things one has to take notice of love. As the signs are not always obvious and often subtle, importantly one will recognize when someone loves you from core of the heart. Overwhelmingly, dedicating to true friends around the globe.


Note: Place your valuable comments about friendship for better understanding.