Backbenchers fly high on success while the toppers are average, how does this occur ?

Notably when we meet our school and college mates after three decades, the first and foremost thing that draws one's attention is physical appearance, how hair has thinned, how the belly is protruding out. Importantly something interesting to note is most of the classmates who were good in academics were not doing a good deal in their lives. Conversely, a large number of classmates, who were then backbenchers, were quite successful in their careers or running successful businesses. To manifest one might have witnessed at school or college reunions


The conventional wisdom of the world is that students have to secure good marks in school, subsequently enter into high ranking colleges. Further secure high marks to pursue a good career, then this will lead to a successful career.

However, considering their circumstances there is no correlation between academic achievement and success in life. Mention to be made that such representation is fatally flawed.

One needs to explore the soft skills desirable to build a thriving career and the students need to develop strong communication skills, solid problem-solving skills, ability to work well with others, a proactive attitude and  a professional work ethic to perform  well in any form of work environment.

Notably, the prevailing exam-oriented approach to imbibe education does not help students to develop any of these aforesaid skills and competence. The need of the hour is that an education system must be designed to develop and measure these attributes in students in truth and spirit.


a) Backbenchers make memories and front benchers make notes.

b) Backbenchers excel in life and front benchers excel in exams.

c) The teachers were always skeptical about backbenchers, being ignorant that these sorts of students are in reality creative (Petulant, innovative, enthusiastic and pragmatic).

d) Backbenchers enjoy the company of friends, gossiping, playing pranks on friends and discussing random topics with great fun. Whenever one thinks about school they feel nostalgic.

e) The back benchers are practical and front benchers have very sound fundamentals.

f) The backbenchers learn the most basic and powerful skill through observing and hence this skill transcends them to be more superior.

g) Backbenchers live their life to the fullest.

h) They care about life more than their studies, hence they succeed in life. i) Backbenchers learn life by hard ways and subsequently develop practical skills of facing the challenges of life.

j) Backbenchers do not depend on bookish knowledge hence, they transform into excellent decision makers.

k) Backbenchers make some true friends forever, who will always be in mischief’s and as well as be an integral part of punishments, happy moments and pain.

l) Backbenchers are reliable, faithful and trustworthy in all circumstances.


The Benchmark was never the bench and the Benchmark will never be the bench

In school, there was, is and will be a unique and discrete subset. A  small number of rows of Back-Benchers, those who are never afraid of a test.

These backbenchers took the longest breaks and took  the longest to settle down. Rarely  they would have done their homework, still, teachers didn’t evince a frown.

They were updated on movies and knew great bits and pieces of sports too.  If a city had secret places to visit, they would already have been there and done that too.

They were not good at academics but least bothered about it. Subsequently they were good at sports but would not bother others about it.

They were tall and well built and certainly seen more summers than others.  Puberty struck them earlier, One among them was a shimmer.

They had magazines which front benchers never saw, importantly glossier and re- readable. There was an air of mischief, a smile that complemented and manifested that.

Undoubtedly, awaiting for the art class, subsequently they were great artists too and drew their masterpiece on the desk, the art is mentionable and most of the time unmentionable.

They knew how to fly planes, how to land missiles on teachers and pretend with a poker face, lie with flamboyance and credence.

Catcalls and comments without second thought came from them regularly.  Notably, assignments were jointly completed, later than sooner they would show.

They were a faithful lot, happier than the majority others in the class. Importantly at peace with themselves on all the days (exception)  except the days when the results are announced.

Sports Day will be their D day, undoubtedly  they will excel, make their friends, class and house proud, accumulate points, haul medals and be a coinsure, cheered by the spectators.

They had the colours for the occasion and pen wielded ink too. Their crackers lilting resounded in washrooms, They had the gadgets and games too.

When they meet again in a reunion or in a social media group. They have done as well as those in the front rows, the differences have melted since.

Cheerful then and content now, the backbenchers take the  fair deal. They must have slogged in between good or better than front benchers.

It generally evens out in life, whether you were at the front or the back. The benchmark is not the front or back bench where they sat,  to prevail is all about life.


Importantly, life is all about experiences, studies are significant but experiences are equally important. Studies enable one to excel in exams, experience will enable one to excel in life. One being a backbencher shouldn’t feel shame about or regret as a seat cannot determine one’s ability and personality.


There is nothing like success in life. Success of people solely depends on individual goals set by them. You can be sad or frustrated with nine to five work and earning five to six figures salary and then there are people working on farmland and earning just to meet their necessary needs only and living happier than six figure salaries. Hence in life, there is nothing like success and it depends on one's necessity.

There are people who dedicated their whole life to studying various courses but in the end what they are obtaining from it is not satisfying. Importantly, people who have completed just tenth or twelfth grade earn better, build companies and live life beyond imagination with content.


One cannot measure success with the amount of money one has earned or the lavish lifestyle they live. Notably there is a need for greater demand than consumption and the pasture is greener on the other end than what one possesses. Such a mentality always leaves one in a despair that invites depression. Take life cool and be free, life is not only meant to pay and pray but to celebrate and play. One should know how to strike a balance in everything around life.

It's just a perception that there is no parameter to measure success. Each one born out of the mother's womb has their own potential and everybody cannot perform uniformly. Fortunately, some go ahead even if they have been backbenchers and at the same time sitting in the front is not a manifestation of lagging behind.


Some of the backbenchers like Late Steve Jobs are exceptional geniuses and most have noticed many of the backbenchers receiving top ranks from nowhere. Hence the opinion that being a backbencher will lower one's grades is totally incorrect. So basically being a backbencher, may enjoy more than people sitting ahead.


Tesla CEO Elon Musk took to his Twitter account to share that the Tesla manufacturing plant being built near Austin will hire more than 10,000 people through 2022 and these students do not need a  degree to work with the top brand. 


Notably, most of the parliamentarians around the world are backbenchers. Labeling backbencher, front bencher, the last bencher, the teacher’s pet or the notorious is a manifestation of lacuna in the education system. Subsequently, a teacher with wisdom will handle the subject matter wisely. Importantly such wise teachers are idolized and remembered throughout life.

They ensure that every student is an equally important part of the class regardless of seating arrangement or the grades in their mark sheet.

Conversely judging backbenchers as students who are uninterested, dumb or those will never have a bright future is biased approach. Unfortunately the prevailing education system, intelligence and reputation or grades do not always go hand in hand.

One cannot judge the worth of a person on the basis of their memory unfortunately this is being tested in exams conducted by schools and colleges.

Finally if one is branded as a backbencher and is tired of calling stereotypes names, keep cool let the haters hate! One's potential will sprout out regardless of what people say and irrespective of your ranking in routing learning. The individual effort counts in evolving as a person and front or back benches do not have any role to play at all. Mention to be made that both backbenchers and frontbenchers need to apply the fundamentals and practices to survive and excel in this competitive world.

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