Google AdSense is the best platform to monetise one's website and YouTube channel.  I had applied for Google Adsense approval with twelve unique quality content, without knowing anything about the adsense policy program. On 01 May 2021, received an email stating that my website doesn’t adhere to the Google Adsense policy.

Subsequently, I watched many videos on YouTube and read the complete Google Adsense policy program.  Importantly, most of the YouTubers were not clear about the whole process, but I learnt bit by bit from various sources. I would like to enunciate my meticulous experience in seeking Google AdSense approval.


The first and foremost important requirement is unique high quality content on one's website. Notably, one must provide quality content with the ability to present in an implacable manner.

a)    Topic encompassing Introduction, Subject, suggestion and   conclusion of your topic.

b)  One should check for plagiarism (copying content from other websites) before publishing and ensure that the script is original.

c)    Number of words does not matter, if the author is able to convey one's point of view (my first article was near about three hundred words and lengthiest was about thousand five hundred words). Don’t follow the advice on the web. Obviously, when an author scripts his own experience and creativity will give life to the script.

d)   The Website Content must not be Google AdSense Restricted List pertaining sexual, violence, killing, terrorism, explosives, recreational drugs, guns, tobacco, online gambling, dating, the sale of alcohol, unapproved pharmaceuticals or supplements  and prescription drugs.  AdSense restricted list

e)     One has to check language compatible with the policy program before applying for Google AdSense. Google AdSense language compatibility link

d)  Publish fifteen to twenty unique high quality articles, mention to be made that my website got Google AdSense approval on seventeen articles. The team AdSense verifies that the article is worth monetizing and analyzes the seriousness of one’s association.

f)     CATEGORIES: To suggest it is better to create  four categories of same niches with three posts in each category.

Note: If one is not a good writer and your content is not original then kindly don’t apply and read this article further as Google desires good quality results in their search engine.

2.    PAGES

One has to keep in mind when Google AdSense reviews the website, they verify the legitimate owner of the site to entrust ads to be published in an authenticated website. The below mentioned pages are must for the approval of Google AdSense.

 a)    ABOUT 

The about page is wherein brief narrative of the website owner and journey to achieve triumph is enunciated. Notably one can enumerate other people associated in the process.

 b)    CONTACT 

The contact page  is very important , the website users can contact for further needs. This page must have details for Name, email address and message to be conveyed.


Terms and Conditions” is the page governing the contractual affiliation between the provider of a service and its user. On the web, this page  is often  called “Terms of Service” (ToS), “Terms of Use”, “General Conditions” EULA (“End-User License Agreement”), or “Legal Notes”.


The privacy policy is a very important page, this page on a website explains how a website will collect, protect, store and utilize the personal information rendered by its users. As it governs privacy of users and the specific verbiage, hence it is required by the law. One can find different generators in Google and WordPress for privacy policy.


A disclaimer page which notifies on website, subsequently this page highlights the limit of liability of outcome for use of website. This page is mandatory for projecting the legal responsibility.

 f)    SITEMAP

A sitemap is a file where one provides information about the pages and other related files on a website and the associations between them.  The sitemap can be used to provide information about specific categories of information.  The sitemap must be incorporated in Google search console.

These aforementioned pages will enable Google AdSense to validate the fact of legitimate owner and website, subsequently, this is very important in the perspective of Google Adsense approval.


a)    https/ http AND SSL CERTIFICATE 

On noticing a website before the permalink (URL) https or http.  https stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secured by SSL certificate, this means that the website is in Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and a small lock will be prefixed before the URL. This is a manifestation of standard technology to keep the internet connection secure, subsequently safeguards the sensitive data that is being transmitted between two systems. Importantly this is a shield to prevent online criminals from reading or modifying the potential personal information being transferred.

The details of the SSL certificate issuing authority and corporate name of the website owner can be viewed, by clicking on the lock symbol in the browser bar. One has to purchase from a service provider and embed it in their website.


Google Analytics is a fine web analytics tool by Google; this facilitates analyzing website traffic. Google Analytics is a free tool which enables you to track the effectiveness and performance of a website.

Mention to be made there are approximately fifty million websites around the globe linked to Google Analytics. To seek Google AdSense approval, it is mandatory to register the website with Google Analytics to analyze the traffic and other credentials.


Google Search Console is a tool, which enables one to measure website Search traffic and performance. Subsequently, assist to fix shortcomings and make websites perform better in the Google Search results. This tool is a free service offered by Google to maintain, monitor and rectify the trouble shooting in  websites.

One has to link the website to Google Search Console well in advance before applying for Google AdSense to get approval. This gives scope to intimate the website owner by Google about lacuna in the site performance and to take adequate action to rectify.

 4.      IMAGES

The images being published in the article must not be a copyright image, never download images from Google and publish in your article. As per Google Adsense you are not the legitimate owner of the image, hence one can download the images from where millions of high definition images are available for free or else one has to purchase from Importantly the image must be relevant to the topic and if possible design the topic on the image to draw the attention of the user.


The age of the website in some Asian countries like India and China should be  minimum six months and this does not apply around the world, to an extent website age matters. 

This restriction is imposed to filter the dubious websites being pushed into the Google search results.

 The minimum age limit for the website owner to apply With Google AdSense approval is eighteen years and above. 


If the website is banned by Google AdSense there is no scope of getting approval, in any case one purchases a website or domain name it is better to check from .


A decent and appealing website draws the attention of the user and lets the website be user friendly. Importantly check and ensure the theme being used in the website is compatible with Smartphone and desktop. Ensure that the website has clear navigation and the menu is easily accessible.

LOGO: It is proposed that it is better to have a unique logo for one's website. This will be a manifestation of you and your creative idea.


It is strongly recommended that ads which are running in one's website may be removed before applying for Google Adsense . If a website has a bunch of poppy and spammy ads the possibility of approval is grim.


To conclude it is suggested if one is serious about making blogging as a carrier then WordPress is the best option as in the long run, the Blogger  is not compatible with plugins.  To be honest, I have incorporated all the aforesaid actions in my website, further within forty eight hours my site was approved by Google Adsense. If one checks for plagiarism of this article you will find zero percentage that is art of writing. Moreover follow the requirements to fulfill the policy program for Google AdSense to get approval and monetizing websites. The foremost qualification to seek approval is to be legitimate in one's approach and not adhere to tips and tricks which are being advocated in social media.

Note: If anyone has doubt kindly place your queries in the comment section. 


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